These TEFL Drilling Tips will help you succeed with preschool & primary school English language...
Author - Will.D.H.
6 Common TEFL Drilling Mistakes You Might Be Making
Are you making these common TEFL drilling mistakes? Some say that teaching well is as complicated...
3 Easy and Fun TEFL Drilling Techniques for Kids English
Have fun with your students with these three TEFL drilling techniques In my observations I often...
Singing ESL Songs Top Tips for Preschoolers and Kids
ESL Songs are one of the absolute best tools you have for teaching preschool and kids English;...
It’s Taking Forever! Why Young EFL Students Get Impatient
Have you ever felt like time is speeding up? The hours, days, months & years are going by...
Improve Your EFL Students’ Behavior with Catch Them Being...
Have you ever thought something like “I’ve got a kid that’s so awful...
Don’t Make These 4 Preschool TEFL Praise Mistakes
In some recent observations I got to again see the joy and challenge that comes with teaching...
Use Lip Reading to Settle Students and Practice EFL Pronunciation
Have you ever had a class that’s all worked up and in need of a quiet activity to calm them...
Stop Training Your Students to Ignore You and Get Ready to...
We all make mistakes as teachers in TEFL. Some of these can seem innocent and inconsequential, but...
Don’t Shout! Grab Their Attention in EFL Classrooms
I’ve observed many new teachers, and one really common mistake many make is that they...