Giving Instructions Key Concepts


I’ve observed dozens of teachers over the years and there’s one simple but essential step that’s often missed. Its absence derails activities and lessons right from the start.
It’s the Ready step. Time and again I see teachers start teaching or giving activity instructions before they’re actually ready. They spend time getting everyone settled and focused. The kids are good to go. The teacher jumps into their instructions and then…crash. Mid-sentence the teachers eyes widen as they realize some materials are still in their bag or hidden under other papers. They rush over and rummage through their things. Meanwhile their students are waiting, bored, and annoyed. Within a few seconds kids start distracting themselves and each other. By the time the teacher is back the momentum and attention is gone. Some teachers use additional time to recapture their students while others push on, unaware of the students now quietly entertaining themselves. As soon as the activity starts those teachers are rushing around the room repeating instructions a half dozen extra times.
Not getting ready before you start is dangerous in the short and long term. It often ruins the activity, but it also damages the students’ trust in the teacher which undermines your ESL classroom management abilities. Over time they learn to ignore the teacher’s pleas for attention – why should they give it when their teacher will waste it?
Get all your materials within arm’s length before you start instructions. Do a quick check. Have things clipped together. It’s better to have a little free noise while you set up than annoyed boredom while you freak out. It’ll save you a lot of headache in the future.
Please like, share, and comment below. What other tips do you have for giving instructions?