
One Easy Listening Activity to Improve Your Students’ Pronunciation

One of the first things many new teachers in Vietnam notice is that their students often drop their “s” endings when speaking. It’s a common problem that many new EFL teachers try to correct by overemphasizing the “s” sound, like with “I have three penssssssssss.” However, this isn’t the best way to improve your students’ pronunciation.

There are differences between English Language Learners’ 1st language and English that can make it hard for them to master clear pronunciation. Some sounds just don’t exist in their language. Other sounds are similar, but they have crucial differences that can cause confusion. Students need help from their EFL teachers to clearly hear these sounds and understand intuitively that they’re important.

This easy TPR listening activity will help students identify key sounds – such as “s” endings and develop an intuitive understanding of their meaning – all while having fun and moving, too.

This video includes an activity with Body Parts vocabulary and “This is my/These are my” grammar chunks. The activity can be used for all sorts of vocabulary, though, such as emotions and animals.

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