
Two Easy Flashcard Activities for Large EFL Classes

Have you got a large class of primary school EFL students that you don’t know what to do with? This is a a problem that a lot of new English teachers face when they start teaching classes of 45 students. They often just have a set of flashcards, a board, and very little else. Fortunately, there are still plenty of options for activities to choose from. Here are two easy flashcard activities for large EFL classes that don’t require many extra resources.

The first activity is based on miming and TPR. This activity, Drill Sergeant, is great for getting students move and connect meaning with motions. It’ll also get everyone involved and having fun.

In the video this activity is used to teach common classroom objects, but it works for just about any other vocabulary set that young student work with as well.

Related Post: Drill Sergeant is an Easy EFL Activity for All Ages

The second flashcard activity uses chants, which are popular with young learners because of their rhythm and predictability. You can add in some gestures to make the chants even more energetic and engaging for students.

In the video the chant is based around classroom objects and “What’s this?” but you can create chants for any other vocabulary sets with a little (even very little) creativity.

Related Post: EFL Chanting is Fun for Kids. It’s True!

With these easy flashcard activities you don’t need to have a ton of resources to have fun practicing English with your students.